Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Freedom Fries

There is many an Autumn's eve where I sit and ponder the beauty that is Wendy's. Especially the Fries. They are probably the best fries that any Fast Food place has to offer. Arby's fries are pretty good as are McDonalds. But I don't know about you but I like my fries soggy and full of goodness. McDonald's fries are good because they're soggy but lack in the flavor department. Also they are not consistently soggy which is a problem. The Arby's fries have enough flavor, especially the curly fries, but they aren't soggy enough. The average Wendy's fry is both delicious and sogged with a future heart attack. Thats what I like in a fry. A nice addition to a meal as well as living on the edge of death.

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